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Newsflash #15 – February 2019


The ICCA Consortium Global Coordinator discusses why, even if we will manage to influence international biodiversity policies in the next decade, territories of life will still face complex and difficult questions... Read more ▸

Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

En un histórico encuentro, realizado en febrero en el territorio Wampís, once delegados de los Pueblos amazónicos Shuar Arutam, Achuar, pueblo kichwa Sarayaku, Shuar y Sapara, CONFENIAE y numerosos miembros del Consorcio TICCA intercambiaron sobre los 20 años de reflexión, consultas internas y consenso que llevaron a la Nación Wampís a autoproclamarse como Gobierno Territorial Autónomo.  Read more ▸
Lutsel K’e Dene First Nation (LKDFN) members have ratified the establishment of Thaidene Nene through a unanimous show of hands. It is the heart of the traditional territory and sacred place of the Lutsel K’e Denesoline. Steven Nitah, ICCA Consortium Honorary Member was part of this effort. Read more ▸
The Ganja wetland, is fantastically rich in biodiversity, with over 250 species of plants and 100 different bird species. Although this environment faces challenges, its Council of stakeholders deals effectively with nature conservation as well as socio-economic development. Their experience is one to highlight on World Wetland's Day (February 2nd)! Read more ▸
This short video, made by many hands and minds in Brazil, presents the voices of leaders of indigenous populations, quilombolas, fishermen, and terreiro peoples, with their unique perceptions about issues such as belonging, knowledge, and the sacred. Read more ▸
The Declaration is a culmination of more than a year of documentation-related activities,  including boundary delineation, 3D and digital mapping, resource inventory, and documentation of indigenous knowledge, systems, and practices (IKSP). Read more ▸
In December 2018, in the town of Santiago de Chiquitos in Bolivia, the first Workshop of Exchange of Experiences and Strengthening of Capacities of Indigenous Women Leaders of Bolivia was held, organized by the TICCA Consortium Bolivia . Read more ▸

Regional and International - ICCA Consortium news, events and initiatives

Should the ICCA Consortium collaborate with WWF in support of Territories of Life? Following our work on inclusive conservation in 2018, a workshop was convened in January 2019 to discuss the question and envisage the initiative that may follow... Read more ▸


These monitoring reports were prepared, by ANGOC, an ICCA Consortium Member, in six Asian countries to understand the nature, causes, and impacts of land and resource conflicts, and to highlight the human rights issues intertwined with them. Read more ▸
This article provides analysis of the issues relating to movement towards new models for Indigenous-led conservation in light of Canada’s initiatives for greater protected areas representation through Target 1. Read more ▸

News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives

El pueblo ancestral pescador de Taganga, en la costa Colombiana, vi su modo de vida derretirse por la implantación del Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona y la alta contaminación de sus aguas por la empresa Terlica. Esta lucha entre David y Goliat se está organizando.  Read more ▸

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