Categories Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica, Eventos, Eventos internacionales, Eventos organizados o coorganizados por el Consorcio, Mundial, Mundo

Eventos seleccionados de la COP15

El Consorcio ICCA y muchos de nuestros miembros están coorganizando eventos durante la 15ª reunión de la Conferencia de las Partes del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB COP15) en Montreal en diciembre de 2022. Explore la lista de eventos a continuación y únase a nosotros en persona o en línea cuando esté disponible






McGill University, Montréal, Canada and Online

Diálogo sobre liderazgo Indígena y comunitario en materia de Conservación

It is now widely recognized that Indigenous Peoples’, local communities’ and Afro-descendant Peoples’ collective guardianship over their lands, territories and resources is critical to realizing global climate, biodiversity and sustainable development goals. To support them in doing so, the world must accelerate investments in Indigenous and community-led conservation and the realization of their self-determined priorities, both for their communities and the pursuit of a more sustainable planet for all.

This all-day event will convene Indigenous and community leaders from diverse regions, including North America, Latin America, Asia and Africa, along with delegates attending CBD COP15. Together, we will discuss challenges and opportunities for Indigenous and community leadership and rights-based approaches for addressing the interlinked biodiversity and climate crises, and pathways for a more just and equitable post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

Eventos paralelos





Sala: Side-event 1

512 E

Más allá del statu quo: Reimaginar el futuro de las ONG de conservación

Evento paralelo #5048

Join us to explore some of the thematic challenges facing conservation NGOs and showcase the innovation happening in the sector that is beginning to confront the status quo.





Sala: Contact Group 5

516 C

Identificar, reconocer y señalar las OMEC: Experiencias sobre la implementación de la Decisión 14/8 de la COP

Evento paralelo #4656

The event will offer short presentations and discussions of case studies of OECMs with different governance models and stakeholders from Canada, Africa, Latin America and Asia.





Sala: Side-event 1

512 E

Cómo un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos puede proporcionar un Marco Mundial de la Diversidad Biológica posterior a 2020 que sea genuinamente transformador y justo

Evento paralelo #4439

A local to global, semi-structured panel of human rights and biodiversity experts from Parties, Indigenous peoples and local communities, and other representatives from civil society, and the UN will present and discuss inspiring examples of how a human rights-based approach to biodiversity protection can contribute to and should be part of the successful and equitable implementation of the post-2020 GBF.





Room: Marie Khan Woman's Caucus meeting room

513 A

Ingredientes para poner en marcha el Plan de Acción sobre Género posterior a 2020

Evento paralelo #4627

This will be a one-hour interactive dialogue between women’s organizations and national governments to learn about their initiatives, lessons learned and practical suggestions to implement both the stand-alone target on gender equality and the post-2020 Gender Plan of Action aiming to contribute toward the success of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. The panel will promote a holistic discussion by bringing in different perspectives shaped by their background, ethnicity, and age, representing diverse geographies worldwide. 

The event will have simultaneous interpretations of English, Spanish and French and will be live streamed through the hosts’ and co-conveners social media channels. The session will also include an open space for the audience to ask additional questions to the panellists and share their experiences. 






515 B

Conflicto, opresión y territorios de vida indígenas: soluciones locales a desafíos mundiales en Birmania

Una delegación de dirigentes indígenas de Birmania hablará sobre los logros de las soluciones indígenas a los problemas de conservación a pesar de la violencia y las dificultades inconmesurables a las que se enfrentan los Pueblos Indígenas de Birmania.





Sala: Side-event 1

512 E

La pesca a pequeña escala de las comunidades Indígenas y locales: la administración local para la implementación de la agenda de conservación de la diversidad biológica 2030

Evento paralelo #4900

This will be a 90-minute interactive panel of SSF representatives from around the world, sharing their experience and suggestions to ensure a truly transformative biodiversity agenda that includes participatory, inclusive, transparent and accountable implementation of the Post-2020 GBF that safeguards human rights, gender equality and their ways of life.





Sala: Side event 2

512 F

De las Metas de Aichi al Marco Mundial de la Diversidad Biológica posterior a 2020: ampliar las alianzas mundiales para reconocer el papel de los territorios y áreas de los Pueblos Indígenas y las comunidades locales (TICCA) para la conservación de la biodiversidad y el bienestar humano

Evento paralelo #4793

The side event will review examples of multi-actor partnerships established between civil society networks, state parties and UN agencies, in support to ICCAs at national and regional levels, together with integrated reporting frameworks for protected and conserved areas at the international level. 

Página web especial

El Consorcio TICCA en la COP15 del CDB de la ONU

De cara al futuro Marco Mundial de la Diversidad Biológica