TAG meeting at IUCN
A Technical Advisory Group meeting for GSI was held at IUCN Hq. on 23 November, 2015. Participants included Delfin Ganapin, Terence Hay-Edie, Trevor Sandwith,… Read more “TAG meeting at IUCN” ▸
A Technical Advisory Group meeting for GSI was held at IUCN Hq. on 23 November, 2015. Participants included Delfin Ganapin, Terence Hay-Edie, Trevor Sandwith,… Read more “TAG meeting at IUCN” ▸
15 y 18 de Abril 2015, Cayambe, Ecuador Este taller, organizado por la oficina del Ecuador del PNUD FMAM PPD, permitió de visitar el… Read more “Taller de arranque para la iniciativa de apoyo global a los TICCA (GSI) en América del Sur” ▸
From 27th to 30th January 2015, twenty-one individuals affiliated with the implementing partners of the initiative gathered at the International Union for Conservation of… Read more “ICCA GSI – Inception Meeting IUCN Headquarter” ▸