A critical mass of support and action can defend ICCAs and support their emergence in any given country. Communication, negotiations, and advocacy are more likely to succeed when backed by a well- organized and coordinated network of support.

Types of ICCA networks

There are several ways to organize a network that can benefit both individual communities and the ICCAs’ overall cause and goals. The simplest kind of network is a “working group”, where representatives of ICCAs, sympathetic organizations, and individual activists and experts gather more or less formally to share ideas and advice, and work on common concerns. Some ICCA custodian communities have also found it useful to create a “second level” formal organization, i.e., a federation that represents their common interests. This model allows ICCAs to gather resources and have formal representation in interactions with other actors, such as regional or national governments. Another path to creating a network is to build a coalition or platform. This can be especially useful when working on specific pressing issues (e.g. impending land grabbing, or for the recognition of collective rights). The nature and urgency of the issues and specific context will inform different networking solutions.

Where to begin?

An effective way to promote and support an ICCA Network is to gather a number of contacts (usually community representatives of ICCAs or potential ICCAs) and propose a meeting.  The meeting offers an occasion to listen to each other’s needs and ideas and establish a basic common ground. Once initial priorities and possible/ desirable joint activities and outcomes are identified, the ICCA communities and partners will have an opportunity to figure out whether and how they wish to continue their interaction and contribute to the common good. Importantly, a network needs to emerge from felt needs and “from the bottom up”. Pushing for the creation of a network in a top- down fashion is destined for irrelevance and failure.

National ICCA Networks associated with the Consortium

Country Name of the Network Type of Network
Africa – Benin Consortium APAC du Bénin Federation
Africa – Burkina Faso ASAPAC – BF
Africa – Democratic Republic of Congo Alliance  Nationale d’Appui et de promotion des Aires du Patrimoine Autochtone et Communautaire en République Démocratique du Congo – ANAPAC-RDC Formal Federation
Africa – Guinea Consortium APAC de Guinée Formal Association
Africa – Madagascar Tafo Mihaavo and MIHARI  Formal Federations
Asia – The Philippines Bukluran ng mga Pamayanang Nangangalaga sa Kalikasan – Bukluran Inc. Formal Federation
Asia – Indonesia Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia – WGII – the Members include: the alliance of Indigenous Peoples of Indonesia (AMAN), BRWA, HuMa, JKPP, KIARA, NTFP-EP, PUSAKA, Sawit Watch, WHALI and WWF Indonesia Working Group
Asia – Malaysia My ICCA (Malaysia ICCA Network) Informal Network
Asia – Myanmar Myanmar ICCA Working Group Informal network
Asia – Cambodia Cambodia ICCA network Alliance of IPOs and communities (an alliance within an alliance)
Asia – Vietnam National Learning Group of ICCAs in Vietnam — members include: People and Nature Reconciliation (Pan Nature); Department of Nature Conservation (DONC); Viet Nam Forest Administration (VNFOREST), Fauna and Flora International (FFI), Centre for Sustainable Development in Mountainous Areas (CSDM), Research Centre for Forests and Wetlands (FORWET) Working group
Asia – Taiwan, Province of China Taiwan Indigenous Conserved Territories Union – TICTU – A federation for self-determined ICCAs negotiating to implement transitional justice for indigenous peoples Formal Federation
Asia – China China ICCA Working Group –
It comprises seven ICCA Consortium Honorary members in China, along with representatives from two Members: Shan shui Conservation Center and Guangxi Biodiversity Research and Conservation Association (BRC). It promotes mutual exchanges and learning and has developed procedures for peer review to register ICCAs and get them recognised by local governments as small community-based protected areas. It is strongly supported by GEF SGP China.
Working group
Asia – Iran UNINOMAD and UNICAMEL Formal Federations
Europe – Spain Iniciativa Comunales  Formal association
Mesoa America – Guatemala Consorcio TICCA de Guatemala  Federation
Mesoamerica- Mexico Red de territorios autónomos comunitarios Working group
South America – Colombia ICCA network of Colombia ( read their declaration here) Network
South America – Ecuador ICCA network of Ecuador Working group
South America – Bolivia Consorcio TICCA de Bolivia  Working group
South America – Argentina Red Indígena de Areas Protegidas Coalition
South America – Chile Consorcio TICCA Chile Working group
South America – Brazil Strategic Inter-Institutional Nucleus TICCA Brazil Working group
North America – Canada IPCA Alliance

First published on 11/19/2016, and last updated on 05/03/2019