Bulletins and Alerts : “Defending Commons’ Land and ICCAs”
9 Bulletins and Alerts made by CALG, 2016-2017
The ICCA Consortium has been active in developing a movement to fight and stop the victimisation of defenders of the natural commons and ICCAs. A Memorandum has been signed with Friends of the Earth International, and progress toward this goal is on-going.
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9 Bulletins and Alerts made by CALG, 2016-2017
General concept note made by Dario Novellino, 2015
In late 2014, the IUCN World Parks Congress stated: « …we recognize that threats to nature, its biological diversity and protected areas are now at… Read more “Exploratory meeting for SAFE” ▸
Report compiled by the Coalition against Land Grabbing (CALG), 2015
Report made by Lorena Arce, Felipe Guerra, Ellen Desmet, 2015 (in Spanish)
Report made by Kanyinke Sena, 2015