
Alert: In Gabon, Massaha community denounces the government’s attempts to circumvent Minister’s commitment to secure their sacred forest

The long-awaited Kunming-Montreal global biodiversity framework – just adopted in December 2022 – explicitly recognizes the territories and rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. This new international instrument further bolsters previous Gabonese government commitments to protect the sacred forest of the community of Massaha. However, the government has yet to follow through on these promises, leaving the community searching for answers amidst conflicting messages. The ICCA Consortium reiterates our solidarity with the Massaha community and calls on the government of Gabon to live up to its laudable commitments.  Read more ▸

Alert: Massaha community in Gabon calls for the protection of their sacred forest against the immediate threat of logging

The community has been protecting and nurturing their sacred forest for generations but it is now at risk of destruction, despite the Gabonese government’s commitment to the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People. The ICCA Consortium stands in solidarity with the community of Massaha as they call on their government to halt the logging and legally recognize it under existing legislation. Read more ▸