ICCA Consortium 2020 Membership Review

As the membership has grown, so too has its diversity, while retaining a strong sense of solidarity and shared values. We hope this summary report captures both the high-level insights of consolidated data as well as the nuances of Members’ experiences and perspectives. Read more ▸

The Fight for the Forest: Indigenous Peoples in Burma speak out on threats following the February military coup

Following the military coup in February 2021, Indigenous communities in Burma have faced nearly insurmountable threats to their lives, lands and forests. An escalation in armed conflict has displaced hundreds of thousands and put new pressures on the forests, as generals attempt to consolidate their control. In a 30 October event organised in the lead up to COP26, brave Indigenous leaders from across Burma speak out about the challenges they face and the ways in which the international community can support the struggles of Indigenous Peoples to protect the forests. Read more ▸

Second South East Asia Regional Assembly from 1-4 June

The gathering provides an online venue for sharing and learning from each other about the territories of life in the region. This year’s gathering has the further aim of continuing the ICCA Consortium’s regionalisation process in Southeast Asia. Check the programme!  Read more ▸