First published on 05/30/2016, and last updated on 06/14/2017
CBD: 20th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-20) and 1st Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-1)
Theme: ICCAs and Conservation of Nature Law and Policy
Meeting dates: 25-30 April (SBSTTA-20) and 2-6 May (SBI-1) 2016
Location: Montreal, Canada
Consortium activities: |
Key Policy Outcomes: |
More Information: | |
Contribution to overall strategy: | Under the draft strategy on “ICCAs & Conservation of Nature Law and Policy”, the above activities contributed to the objectives of: (1) securing collective rights and responsibilities of indigenous peoples and local communities for voluntary and self-directed conservation efforts, sustainable use and livelihoods; and (2) recognising and enforcing indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights in all conservation activities (including within and outside of and overlapping with protected areas) |
Direct financial implications for the Consortium: | None – self-funded by Consortium members and volunteer contributions by Honorary member |