ICCAs and the COVID 19 Pandemic

We are living in unprecedented times. The COVID-19 pandemic has irrevocably changed our world within a few short months. This has changed the nature of our and our Members’ work in support of ICCAs–territories of life.

This webpage aims at compiling information that is related to the COVID-19 pandemic and territories of life.

We are holding global calls for the ICCA Consortium membership to discuss several aspects of the pandemic, including impacts and responses within our membership and territories of life in general.


Together We Rise! The Importance of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the Time of COVID-19

In Canada, the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership held a virtual dialogue on the importance of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a message of great hope, Allison Bishop shares the group’s collective reflections about human relationships with nature and the opportunity that IPCAs represent to care for the natural world.  Read more ▸

Global Calls for and on Territories of Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

The ICCA Consortium organised the first round of online discussions to bring together our membership in this difficult time, to strengthen solidarity, share experiences and responses from territories of life around the world, and jointly reflect on the ICCA Consortium’s role, both now and into the future. We shared inspiring stories as well as challenges, as we considered how the ICCA Consortium could play a role in confronting and affecting the dominant paradigms that led to the emergence of COVID-19. Read more ▸