Key resources

ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 5

The term ‘inclusive conservation’ has recently been adopted by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in its 2018-2020 programme for biodiversity financing. In this context, the ICCA Consortium proposes a definition of ‘inclusive conservation’ and specific recommendations for legislators, policy makers and other conservation actors willing to pursue it. Read more ▸

Community Investor Negotiation Guides

Namati has recently launched the Community-Investor Negotiation Guides. These two first-of-their-kind resources support communities and frontline advocates to prepare for — and if they so wish, to engage in — empowered contract negotiations with investors seeking to use community lands and natural resources. Read more ▸

Special Issue of PARKS on OECMs

The IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas has just released a special issue of its peer-reviewed journal PARKS: The International Journal of Protected Areas and Conservation, focusing on Other-Effective Conservation Measures (OECMs). Read more ▸

The Community Conservation Resilience Initiative 2018 Report

The aim of the CCRI is to provide policy advice about effective and appropriate support for community conservation as part of the implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) 2011-2020 Strategic Plan, and to highlight that the rights of Indigenous peoples, local communities and women over their lands and territories must be upheld and supported. This report outlines the work in 12 countries. Read more ▸

Herramientas de Monitoreo Ambiental para los TICCA

En una perspectiva estratégica de acción para contribuir al autoconocimiento que coadyuve el fortalecimiento, la restauración y la protección en los TICCA de Bolivia, se orientó al desarrollo de herramientas de gestión que permitan el monitoreo por parte de los mismos pueblos locales, de las funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, que conduzcan a la auto-observación y auto-reflexión, en el propósito de fortalecer sus búsquedas y caminos hacia el buen vivir, haciendo frente a las presiones del desarrollo extractivista. Read more ▸