Video: Ainu Nation’s lawsuit in Japan over Indigenous fishing rights
The lawsuit, which seeks to allow Ainu People to fish for salmon under their Indigenous rights, is the first of its kind in Japan. Read more ▸
The lawsuit, which seeks to allow Ainu People to fish for salmon under their Indigenous rights, is the first of its kind in Japan. Read more ▸
Participating at the first Asia Parks Congress, the Consortium organized side events on of “Protected Areas and ICCAs” and “Threats and Challenges to ICCAs”.… Read more “ICCA Consortium at Asia Parks Congress (APC) Sendai, Japan, 13-18 November 2013” ▸
In conjunction with the CBD COP-10, a multi-lingual three day workshop on ICCAs was held at the Shirakawa-Go Eco Institute (Japan). The workshop consisted… Read more “International ICCA Workshop, Shirakawa-Go Eco Institute, Japan, 28-30 October, 2010” ▸
The tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) held in the second half of October 2010 in… Read more “ICCAs at COP 10 (Nagoya, October 2010)—some good news, some disappointments, some fresh worries… and much work ahead!” ▸
Marine protected areas in Japan: Institutional background and management framework, Nobuyuki Yagi, Akira P. Takagi, Yukiko Takada, Hisashi Kurokura, Marine Policy, Elsevier, June 2010