Categories Africa, Events, Global, ICCA on the international level, Secondary Events, South Africa, Territorial integrity, community wellbeing

ICCA Consortium members at the 14th FAO World Forestry Congress: “Forests and People: Investing in a Sustainable Future” (Durban, 2015)

First published on 09/11/2015, and last updated on 06/22/2017

Theme: ICCAs and Sustainable Development Policy
Meeting dates: 7-11 September 2015
Location: Durban, South Africa
More information: FAO/ and IISD

Consortium activities:
  • Events on social forestry in southeast Asia (NTFP-EP) and the resilience of community forest conservation initiatives (GFC)
  • Poster on forest governance, traditional knowledge, community conservation and resilience (GFC)
  • Civil Society Alternative Programme (organised by GFC member Timberwatch), including sessions on the Community Conservation Resilience Initiative (GFC), gender and global forest politics (GFC), community forestry in Nepal (FECOFUN), and community rights (Natural Justice)
  • Pre-Congress conference on Fostering Community Conservation (GFC, Natural Justice, SwedBio and others)
Key policy outcomes:
  • Launch of the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015
  • Adoption of the Durban Declaration (which states, inter alia, that forests and fundamental for food security, livelihoods and community resilience and for climate change adaptation and mitigation)
  • Messages to the UN General Assembly Summit for the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and on climate change
Contribution to overall strategy: Activities contributed to the objective of securing collective rights and responsibilities of indigenous peoples and local communities for voluntary and self-directed conservation efforts, sustainable use and livelihoods, under the draft strategy on “ICCAs & Conservation of Nature Law and Policy” and the objective of promoting ICCAs as means to strengthen traditional foodways and safeguard against large-scale monocultures, under the draft strategy on “ICCAs & Food and Agriculture Law and Policy”
Direct financial implications for the Consortium: None – self-funded by Consortium members