Categories Events, Global environmental change, ICCA on the international level

Seminar and poster on ICCAs presented at UNFCCC COP17 (Durban, 2011)

First published on 06/23/2017

Meeting dates: 28 November-9 December 2011

Location: Durban, South Africa

On 29 November, the Global Forest Coalition (Consortium Member) organised a participatory seminar on “Do’s and don’ts of supporting forest conservation and restoration initiatives by local communities and indigenous peoples”. The seminar brought together representatives of indigenous peoples, peasant movements, women’s movements and local communities to share their experiences and insights into the most appropriate, equitable and effective ways in which outsiders can support their initiatives to conserve and restore their forests and other ecosystems. The seminar also discussed successes and failures relating to schemes such as REDD+.

In addition, a poster on ICCAs was presented on 1 December at the UNFCC COP17 poster session and on 4 December at Forest Day 5. It briefly describes the ICCA concept and highlights the relationship between ICCAs and forests and also includes outcomes of the 29 November seminar. The poster was co-produced by Vanessa Reid (ICCA Consortium), Simone Lovera and Wally Menne (Global Forest Coalition) and Earl Paulo Diaz (NTFP-EP).

Link to seminar report

Link to poster