ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
Through oral statements and direct engagement with government delegations, our Members and Honorary members present at the CBD COP 14 influenced the negotiations of several decisions, including those on traditional knowledge, protected and conserved areas, climate change, the post-2020 biodiversity framework, and more Read more ▸
During our XIIIth General Assembly in November, the ICCA Consortium adopted a new policy on “Defending Territories of Life and Their Defenders”, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. What does this mean to us in concrete terms? Read more ▸
The Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA) Gathering took place in Canada, hosted by former members of the Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE), the Alberta Government, and the federal government. An occasion for participants to meet, share their lessons learned, forge new partnerships and define new commitments. Read more ▸
The ICCA Consortium participated in the World Mountain Forum and Silk Roads Conference in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, in October of 2018. ICCAs, or “Territories of Life”, were identified as crucial to fulfilling the goals of Sustainable Mountain Development. Read more ▸
Resources & Multimedia
Au Burkina Faso, les éleveuses et éleveurs Peuls ont utilisé en cette fin 2018 une façon inédite dans cette région de lutter pour la défense de leurs droits : la grève ! Vidant le marché de bétail, ils ont obtenu gain de cause. Read more ▸
The Federation for the Self-determination of Indigenous Peoples (FAPI) developped Tierra Indigenas, the first interactive online platform that provides accurate maps and critical information about lands and territories of indigenous peoples and communities in Paraguay. Read more ▸
A recently formed community-based monitoring network has detected urgent signs of change from the Näätämö and Ponoi rivers in Finland– temperatures reached record highs and led to significant fish deaths, but the network began ecological restoration for salmonid fishes. Read more ▸
News from Our Allies and Related Initiatives
On December 17th, the 73 Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 73) in New York adopted the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas! Now that the declaration is an international legal instrument, it is time to mobilise to support regional and national implementation processes. Read more ▸
If you have comments or wish to participate in the forthcoming Newsflash please write to Emma at emma@iccaconsortium.org