A billion animals burned to death, Australia’s East Coast on fire, Australia’s PM, Scott Morrison on vacation in Hawaii... Could this have been averted? Victor Steffensen, indigenous Australian and Snowchange regional coordinator for Australia thinks so. Article by Tero Mustonen, ICCA Consortium Council Member and Snowchange representative. Read more ▸
Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
La comunidad de Playa de Oro se registró en la base mundial de TICCA, acompañada por la fundación ALDEA, Miembro del Consorcio TICCA en Ecuador. La comunidad nos narra la importancia de su registro como TICCA, y nos enseña sus ríos cristalinos, su selva frondosa y su modo de vida que cuida la biodiversidad. Read more ▸
A Kinshasa, ceux-ci ont affirmé que « la sécurisation des droits des autochtones sur leurs terres et territoires est une des meilleures garanties pour assurer la protection des forêts ». Read more ▸
FENAMAD (Miembro del Consorcio TICCA) cumplió 38 años de lucha para los derechos de los pueblos indígenas de la Amazonia peruana. En esta ocasión, FENAMAD organizó varios eventos y encuentros para recordar su historia, sus compromisos, y los retos del futuro. Read more ▸
In Canada, the IISAAK OLAM Foundation is launching an online reading circle to mobilize knowledge and build capacity for the protection and conservation of biocultural diversity, and to support the establishment of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). Read more ▸
Regional and International - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
First ICCA Consortium South Asia Regional Assembly Traces the Way Forward for the South Asia Network
South Asia’s first Regional Assembly gathered Members and Honorary members and partners of the Consortium from India, Nepal and Bangladesh, in Rajasthan, Northern India to share experiences and define a way forward for community conservation in the region. Among these were the creation of seven thematic groups which listed immediate action points. Read more ▸
In view of the upcoming 2020 United Nations Ocean Conference, several organizations, including the ICCA Consortium, launched "RISE UP, A Blue Call to Action". In an interview with the Spanish radio RTVE, former ICCA Consortium council member Vivienne Solis Rivera details the initiative and its objectives. Read more ▸
ICCA Consortium Publications and Resources
Concluding a collective process spanning five years, this photo story presents the Tsum territory of life, highlighting its institutions and practices of biocultural conservation, as well as the external and internal threats to the land, and the responses of the Tsumba people, guided by their determination to sustain their territory for current and future generations. Read more ▸
News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives
In a move to conserve a forest area with a vital repository of endangered wild animals, the villagers of Chug, under the guidance of the WWF-India, have declared nearly 100 square kilometers of their forest area a community-conserved area. Read more ▸
If you wish to share your experience in the forthcoming Newsflash, please write to Gaëlle at gaelle@iccaconsortium.org .