Estudios Rurales y Asesoría Campesina, A.C. Mexico Website
Estudios Rurales y Asesoría Campesina, A.C. Mexico Website
Former International Policy Coordinator (2020-2022)
Kanan Derechos Humanos Asociación Civil |
Kanan Derechos Humanos Asociación Civil |
Red de Patrimonio Biocultura |
La Red de Patrimonio Biocultural de México |
Ejido San Crisanto |
In northwestern Mexico, the Comcaac Indigenous people have cared for their territory for millennia. Leonel Hoeffer, Honorary member and member of the ICCA Consortium’s Youth Group, tells how the Comcaac youth are involved in and leading activities for the conservation of their territory and culture. Read more ▸
In Mexico, our Member Ka’Kuxtal and the Mayan communities with whom they work are promoting several strategies in response to the current crisis, in the areas of health, food sovereignty and communication, to take their care into their own hands. Read more ▸
Albert Maurilio Chan Dzul, Coordinador del Consorcio TICCA para Mesoamérica y representante de U Yich Lu’um, A.C., comparte las reflexiones y estrategias de su organización frente a la pandemia actual, profundizando sobre resiliencia, relación espiritual con el territorio y salud mental. Read more ▸
Protocolo comunitario ante la contingencia por el COVID 19.¿Cómo enfrentar la emergencia sanitaria por el COVID19 con organización comunitaria?, por Ka’ Kuxtal Much Meyaj… Read more “Protocolo Comunitario Ante la Contingencia por el COVID 19” ▸
Los Miembros del Consorcio TICCA de México se reunieron y planearon un estudio del marco legal existente en materia de conservación y derechos de pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales, acciones para el fortalecimiento comunitario y una estrategia de incidencia nacional. Read more ▸
The second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America was held in October 2019, in Peru, before the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAPLAC). It was an occasion for the membership of the region to share experiences, deepen their strategies, and ensure the wide visibility of territories of life at the CAPLAC. Read more ▸
The hope for a unique revolutionary actor in the XX Century evaporated as a result of the weaknesses of social organizations. In the context of Mexico, this paper, written by David Barkin, ICCA Consortium Honorary member, and Alejandra Sánchez, examines the potential of an almost-forgotten group of revolutionary actors: the indigenous and peasant communities. Read more ▸
Collaborator as Spanish < > English translator and interpreter
David Barkin y Albert Chan Dzul, Miembros y Miembros Honorarios del Consorcio TICCA, participaron en la Conferencia de la Sociedad Internacional de Economía Ecológica, recordando que si bien la lucha es desde abajo, también exigimos a los gobiernos estatales y otros actores así como a los diferentes instrumentos de la ONU que apoyen los TICCA-territorios de vida Read more ▸
Podcast episode featuring a special report on the community-based conservation and agroforestry operations known as ejidos in Mexico featuring ICCA Consortium Honorary member David Barkin. Read more ▸
Regional Coordinator for Mesoamerica
Thematic representative for documenting territories of life