New legal analysis on ICCAs in Malaysia
Comprehensive analysis assesses the impacts of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities in Malaysia. Read more ▸
Comprehensive analysis assesses the impacts of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities in Malaysia. Read more ▸
AMAF-Benin (ICCA Consortium Member) organised several community dialogue and peer review workshops, during which the custodians of the Bamezoun, Orozoun and Têdozoun ICCAs agreed to submit them to the global ICCA Registry and the World Database on Protected Areas. Read more ▸
In Democratic Republic of the Congo, the National Assembly deemed the proposed “Organic Bill on fundamental principles relating to the protection and promotion of Indigenous peoples’ rights” admissible. This tremendous step forward is the result of a decade of advocacy work by the Indigenous movement in Congo, and could led to the recognition of Indigenous Pygmy peoples as well as their territories and ancestral knowledge. Read more ▸
En Ecuador, los Pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales han desplegado diferentes respuestas frente a la situación actual de emergencia, basadas en sus costumbres y en su cosmovisión. En este artículo, nuestro Miembro ALDEA analiza y documenta esta variedad de respuestas comunitarias. Read more ▸
In Mexico, our Member Ka’Kuxtal and the Mayan communities with whom they work are promoting several strategies in response to the current crisis, in the areas of health, food sovereignty and communication, to take their care into their own hands. Read more ▸
“GoldCrest” is a small old-growth forest site of great importance to the local Selkie village that is now registered in the global ICCA Registry hosted by UNEP-WCMC. The forest had been under a threat of being clear cut, but thanks to the Landscape Rewilding Programme, it has now been spared. An article by Snowchange. Read more ▸
“Our registration as ICCA or territory of life frames the path we have chosen to travel as an original people,” says Dionicio Machoa, coordinator of the Sarayaku Department of Natural Resources. The Sarayaku People, ICCA Consortium Member, just registered their territory of life in the ICCA Global registry of WCMC. Read more ▸
Los miembros de la Red TICCA Colombia aprovecharon un fructuoso encuentro nacional para consolidar su trabajo en red y capacitarse colectivamente sobre el autorreconocimiento y la documentación de los TICCA. Read more ▸
After an extensive participatory process, the community of Kalunga decided to register their territory of life in the global ICCA Registry hosted by UNEP-WCMC. Our Member MUPAN, who accompanied the Kalunga community, describes this process. Read more ▸
Concluding a collective process spanning five years, this photo story presents the Tsum territory of life, highlighting its institutions and practices of biocultural conservation, as well as the external and internal threats to the land, and the responses of the Tsumba people, guided by their determination to sustain their territory for current and future generations. Read more ▸
In Myanmar, the Rawang Youth group and its allies are working hard to raise awareness about the value of territories of life, and seeking better recognition for these territories and the rights of the Indigenous Rawang people. Htonphu Nin Htay and Aye Myat Thandar tell us about their work and the emergence of the Rawang Youth group. Read more ▸
The Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia, an ICCA Consortium Member, is stepping up advocacy efforts with the government for the appropriate recognition of ICCAs. As part of this effort, the Working Group is strengthening the documentation and registration of an estimated 3 million hectares of ICCAs in the archipelago. Read more ▸
Los Miembros del Consorcio TICCA de México se reunieron y planearon un estudio del marco legal existente en materia de conservación y derechos de pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales, acciones para el fortalecimiento comunitario y una estrategia de incidencia nacional. Read more ▸
In a move to conserve a forest area with a vital repository of endangered wild animals, the villagers of Chug, under the guidance of the WWF-India, have declared nearly 100 square kilometers of their forest area a community-conserved area. Read more ▸
At a critical time for Indigenous-led conservation in Canada, Indigenous Nations and conservation allies gathered at ICCA Consortium Member Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks to discuss the establishment of and support for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in their territories. Read more ▸
En République Démocratique du Congo, l’ANAPAC, Membre du Consortium APAC, a identifié quatre nouvelles APAC, situées près du Parc National de Lomami. Le réseau poursuit également son travail de plaidoyer auprès des autorités locales, avec beaucoup de succès. Read more ▸
A series of webinars is being organized as part of building shared capacity and understanding of ICCAs–territories of life in South East Asia. In the first webinar, representatives of the Working Group on ICCAs in Indonesia talked about the recently concluded mapping and documentation process of ICCAs in Indonesia. Read more ▸
In India, KRAPAVIS (ICCA Consortium Member) organized a workshop that included representatives from communities, forestry research and other research institutions, universities and colleges, along with the Forest Department, the ‘Rajasthan State Biodiversity Board’ (RSBB) NGOs, and governmental agencies, to agree on the first steps to secure Orans, based on the 2018 “deemed forest” Supreme Court order. Read more ▸
Indigenous-led conservation is making waves in Canada, with autonomous declaration of and federal support for Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs) and the launching of the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership website at the recent Canadian Parks Conference. Read more ▸
Two community-based organizations supported by ICCA Consortium Member Kuaʻāina Ulu ʻAuamo (KUA) were recognized for their work at the Equator Prize awards ceremony: Hui Mālama o Moʻomomi – Molokaʻi and Hui Makaʻāinana o Makana were honored, in a key political moment for Hawai’i’s territories of life. Read more ▸