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Newsflash #5 – January 2018

News, Events and Initiatives

On 25-26 November 2017, the 11th General Assembly of the ICCA Consortium took place in Geneva, Switzerland. It gathered 60 participants from four continents, including about 36 Members and 50 Honorary members. It was preceded and followed by other crucial events... Read more ▸
Establishing a Common Strategy for the support and recognition of common governance of natural resources in Europe and the Middle East: On October 23-25th, 2017, a workshop was held in Granada, Spain to encourage networking among European and Middle Eastern ICCA networks.  Read more ▸
After a long battle for land rights, grazing rights, the government of Tanzania has cancelled the hunting license of OBC in Loliondo! Read more ▸
The IUCN’s Indigenous and Community Conserved Area’s (ICCA) initiative has a new feather in its cap, and that too of the magnificent Philippine Eagle, no less. Symbolically speaking, that is! Read more ▸


En una perspectiva estratégica de acción para contribuir al autoconocimiento que coadyuve el fortalecimiento, la restauración y la protección en los TICCA de Bolivia, se orientó al desarrollo de herramientas de gestión que permitan el monitoreo por parte de los mismos pueblos locales, de las funciones y servicios ecosistémicos, que conduzcan a la auto-observación y auto-reflexión, en el propósito de fortalecer sus búsquedas y caminos hacia el buen vivir, haciendo frente a las presiones del desarrollo extractivista. Read more ▸
“The Archipelago of Hope: Wisdom and Resilience from the Edge of Climate Change”, written by the ICCA Consortium Honorary Member Gleb Raygorodetsky, is an enlightening global journey reveals the inextricable links between Indigenous cultures and their lands as a foundation for climate change resilience around the world. Read more ▸
Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) believes that media has an important role to play in the promotion and protection of indigenous peoples’ rights as well as their inclusive participation in decision making and social equity. Read more ▸
Tanzanian authorities are threatening to evict residents of the Uvinje sub-village from their ancestral lands. Protimos is working in partnership with local lawyers to ensure that the Uvinje community is able to assert its legal rights in this land rights dispute.  Read more ▸
This paper reflects on IUCN’s ongoing progress to develop technical guidance on "other effective area-based conservation measures" (OECMs) and begins to explore under what conditions OECMs might make a positive contribution to ICCAs. Read more ▸

News from our partners

Newsletter shared by the UNDP GEF SGP - As such, the Global Support Initiative for ICCA was formed to broaden the range and quality of diverse governance types in recognizing ICCAs and achieve the Aichi 2020 targets. ICCA-GSI’s objective is to improve the recognition and overall effectiveness for biodiversity conservation, sustainable livelihoods and resilience to climate change effects of territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities. Read more ▸
People in Conservation - is the second Newsletter of Kalpavriksh, an ICCA Consortium Founding member. It is a special issue on Good Food For All. Read more ▸
People in Conservation - is the first Newsletter of Kalpavriksh, an ICCA Consortium Founding member. It is a special issue on Community Conserved Areas (CCAs). It shares information related to forest governance, marine biodiversity, pastoral communities and agro-biodiversity.  Read more ▸

Ms. Deborah David, Communication Assistant of the ICCA Consortium

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