Categories Newsflash issues

Newsflash #9 – May 2018

ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

Indigenous Karen people of Mutraw and staff of the Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) are mourning the loss of one of their most committed land protectors, peace advocates, and Indigenous rights defenders: Saw O Moo. Read more ▸
After a series of internal meetings, the ICCA Consortium will hold an Extraordinary General Assembly and participate in SBSTTA 22, SBI 2 and the Fostering Community Conservation Conference.  Read more ▸
The community of Caylin Island asked the Chilean State to create a Coastal and Marine Area of Native People around the entire island and the adjacent Chaiguao Peninsula. The proposal was approved in May 2018. Read more ▸
Marine and coastal areas that have been used harmoniously by indigenous people in Chile for centuries are under threat. Chilean government's policies are aligned to support the interests of big corporations and to create obstacles for Indigenous communities’ rights. Read more ▸
In the context of the ICCA GSI, a key objective of this workshop was to advance national policy and practice in line with the global awakening of interest in community conserved areas as “other effective area-based conservation measures” (Aichi Target 11) Read more ▸
En Avril 2018 les membres du bureau de l’ASAPAC-Burkina Faso ont reçu une formation sur le Processus de Renforcement Autonome (PRA) des communautés locales dans la gouvernance de leurs APAC Read more ▸
Nestled between Tortuguero National Park and the Nicaragua border, the community of Barra del Colorado havs been quietly making a living out of shrimp fishing for generations. A letter sent to the government in August 2015 marked the beginning of a fight for the licence to fish, which continues today. Read more ▸
Le Consortium APAC du Bénin fut constitué en Août 2017, par 30 chefs coutumiers. au nom de l’ensemble de leurs communautés. Un atelier national a eu lieu mars 2018 afin de permettre les apprentissages, les échanges d'expériences, le dialogue et la communication au niveau national.  Read more ▸
Al final de febrero, en Brasil dos reuniones sobre los TICCA se llevaron a cabo para formular una estrategia de apoyo al fortalecimiento y reconocimiento de los TICCA, planificar acciones institucionales y buscar integración y alianzas interinstitucionales. Read more ▸

Resources & Multimedia

The ICCA Consortium is delighted to share with you its webinars, now available online English, Spanish and French! Introduction to ICCAs / Self-Strengthening ICCAs / ICCAs in international Policy / and more! Read more ▸
La Nación Monkox de Lomerío fue el primer Pueblo Indígena de Bolivia en autoproclamarse autónomo in 2008 y es un caso icónico en Bolivia de lucha y avance en el reconocimiento de derechos de los pueblos indígenas y de gestión territorial desde lo local.  Read more ▸
Losing the Serengeti: The Maasai Land that was to Run Forever is a report based on field research, never publicly-seen-before documents, and an in-depth investigation into Tanzania’s land laws.  Read more ▸
From Alaska to Australia, scientists are turning to the knowledge of traditional people for a deeper understanding of the natural world. What they are learning is helping them discover more about everything from melting Arctic ice, to protecting fish stocks, to controlling wildfires. Read more ▸

News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives

The call to participate in the Second Global Workshop on Human Rights Strategies for Indigenous Leaders is open, organized by Dejusticia and the Observatory of Racial Discrimination. Tambien en Español.  Read more ▸
Global Forest Watch and the World Resources Institute announce the first-ever GFW Tech Fellowship. The application deadline is June 15th, 2018. Read more ▸
Please submit responses to the questionnaire by 13 June to contribute to a report of the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders.  Read more ▸

As always, we are eager to receive your contributions for the June edition of the newsflash. Please feel free to send submissions, suggestions and questions to Ms. Deborah David, Communications Assistant of the ICCA Consortium.

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