What we do
The mission of the ‘Working Group on Documenting and Communicating ICCAs–territories of life’ (WG DocCom) is to bring Consortium Members together to collaborate, exchange experience and learnings, and provide mutual support for everything related to the documentation and communication of territories of life. This includes:
- To document and highlight the presence of territories of life in each country and region
- Support members to “get their stories out” and communicate to national, regional and international audiences
- Provide critical review of different (online) platforms, experiences and methodologies for mapping, documentation and communication; support Members in choosing and applying appropriate methods for their specific needs (Meanings and Resources)
- Support for registering territories of life, in coordination with UNEP-WCMC
- Conception and support for Publications by the ICCA Consortium and its Members
Meetings and workshops are happening whenever opportunities and needs arise, online or in-person if possible.
Meet the Co-Chairs of the Working Group
Secretariat support
First published on 09/22/2020, and last updated on 09/01/2021