Africa / Stories

Pan-African Alliance Seeks to Protect Territories of Life With a Revolutionary Tool

Among the many existing tools for documenting ICCAs, the one proposed by InsightShare proves to be a powerful way for communities to create participatory media that reflects their unique concerns and amplifies their unique voices. InsightShare shared examples of effective uses of video during the Video4Change gathering, attended by 40 indigenous activists and video practitioners, including Ivan Vaalbooi and Lesle Jansen from Natural Justice (ICCA Consortium Member).  Read more ▸

Video – Biocultural practices in Imegdale

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Le Programme de Microfinancements du Fond Mondial pour l’Environnement du PNUD au Maroc a réalisé cette vidéo sur la localité d’Imegdale. Réglementées par le droit coutumier, les pratiques traditionnelles de conservation permettent la régénération écologique et favorisent un certain équilibre du milieu. Read more ▸