First published on 06/15/2013, and last updated on 05/17/2017
The village of Vumbwe — tucked away in the north-eastern corner of the Tana Delta Irrigation Project (Kenya) — is inhabited by Pokomo (300) and a small group of Wataa people (25). The village lands also regularly accommodate nomadic livestock keepers mainly from the Wardei community. The Pokomo—who have been recession farmers in the floodplain since at least the Middle Ages—have recently seen their livelihoods severely disrupted by a series of “development” initiatives, including dams, irrigation schemes and monoculture plantations, and by the encroachment of charcoal makers and loggers in their local forests.
These phenomena they are all determined to counteract. Today, the Pokomo are ready to declare their lakes and forests along the Lango la Simba channel as an ICCA. They would like to restore their forest by negotiating increased water flow and stronger flood peaks so that groundwater can be recharged. They would like to impede entry to charcoal makers and loggers. And they are keen to start some ecotourism initiatives…Learn more
Read here the Grassroots discussion report: Saving our Forests and Lakes in Vumbe Village, Tana (Kenya)
Watch here the video story: