First published on 05/24/2018, and last updated on 07/19/2022
The ICCA Consortium participates in the following meetings of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Montreal, Canada: the 22nd meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-22) from 2-7 July 2018; and the 2nd meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-2) from 9-13 July 2018.
ICCA Consortium at SBSTTA-22
During the SBSTTA, the ICCA Consortium will especially focus on :
- Item 6: Scientific assessment of progress towards Aichi Biodiversity Targets
- Item 7: Protected areas and other measures for enhanced conservation and management
- Item 8: Marine and coastal biodiversity
- Item 9: Biodiversity and climate change
The SBSTTA-22 agenda and documents can be found here
Find here the Plenary Statement of Dominique Bikaba, on behalf of the ICCA Consortium, on SBSTTA Item 7: “Protected Areas and other measures for enhanced conservation and management.” – Written version
Find here the Plenary Statement of Holly Jonas, on behalf of the ICCA Consortium and the Global Forest Coalition, on SBSTTA Item 9: “Biodiversity and Climate Change.” – Written version
Find here the Statement written by the Consortium, on SBSTTA Item 8 : Marine and Coastal Biodiversity – Because of a lack of time in the Plenary, the statement could not be read.- Written version
The ICCA Consortium organised a side event on “The Evolution of “‘Inclusive Conservation’: From Durban and PoWPA to the Aichi Targets, GEF-7 and the post-2020 biodiversity framework”, featuring Indigenous peoples, local communities and grassroots organisations from nine countries sharing their perspectives on the meaning of “inclusive conservation“, as well as commentators from IUCN Global Protected Areas Programme, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas, GEF-SGP, UNEP-WCMC, WWF-International and the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity. The side event highlighted the many diverse contributions of territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (abbreviated as “ICCAs — territories of life”) to biological and cultural diversity, the need to reform “fortress conservation” and the importance of ensuring that GEF’s seventh replenishment programme on inclusive conservation is defined and guided by Indigenous peoples and local communities themselves.
A Second side event was organised jointly with the Global Forest Coalition : Contribution of ICCAs and Community Conservation initiatives to implementation of the CBD, Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and NBSAPs
Articles in ECO
During the SBSTTA event, the ICCA Consortium composed several articles published in the ECO journal of the CBD Alliance.
“OECMs: A Free Lunch?” – Article related to Item 7, it addresses the need for OECMS guidelines to: 1) Recognize and support the legitimate OECM governance authority. 2) Prevent future threats. Please take the time to read this article here.
“EBSA Traditional Knowledge Training Manual Provides Important Guidance to Parties”, written by Vivienne Solis Rivera, related to Item 8 Please take the time to read it here.
“Parties Adopt landmark Recommendation on Protected Areas and OECMS – now the hard work begins”. Written by Holly Jonas, on behalf of the ICCA Consortium – Read it here.
ICCA Consortium at SBI-2
The SBI-2 agenda and documents can be found here.
During the SBI, the ICCA Consortium will focus on:
- Item 3: Review of progress in implementation of the Convention and Strategic Plan, including progress towards the Gender Plan of Action, Aichi Target 3 (perverse incentives), and Aichi Target 18 and Plan of Action on Customary Sustainable Use
- Item 5: Mainstreaming biodiversity within and across sectors (incl. infrastructure and mining) and other strategic actions to enhance implementation
- Item 8: Resource mobilization, including methodological guidance for assessing the contributions of IPLCs’ collective action
- Item 9: Financial mechanism (GEF)
- Item 12: Mechanisms for review of implementation, including possible peer-review mechanism
- Item 13: National reporting and assessment and review
- Item 16: Preparation for follow-up to the Strategic Plan
Side events
The ICCA Consortium will organize and participate in the following side events at SBI-2:
- Is there a place for human rights in the CBD? Bringing environmental rights and their defenders to the forest? #2437 – Wednesday 2018.07.11 at 18:15 – Room D, NGOs, ICAO Building