International events

International events

The ICCA Consortium holds its 19th General Assembly online, the first with staggered approach

More than 200 people, including representatives of more than 100 Member organizations, participated in the ICCA Consortium’s 19th General Assembly, which was held over four sessions in as many months. The Assembly learned about key aspects of the work carried out in 2022 and took several important decisions for the future of the association. Members and Honorary members also participated in a series of optional membership engagement events on diverse topics. Read more ▸

Dialogue on Indigenous and community leadership in conservation: Enhancing North–South collaboration for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

On December 6, Rights and Resources Imitative, the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership (CRP), and the ICCA Consortium—in partnership with the Canadian Research Chair in Human Rights, Health, and the Environment, Montreal International and the Christensen Fund—will co-host a pre-COP15 dialogue on Indigenous and community leadership in conservation. Read more ▸

Invitation to the virtual workshop on “rangelands and pastoralism: towards a global initiative for pastoralists’ territories of life”

ICCA Consortium, in collaboration with UNDP’s Global Support Initiative for ICCAs (GSI), the GEF Small Grants Programme, and the International Support Group for the IYRP, is pleased to announce a second virtual workshop on this topic. The overall aim of the workshop is to initiate a collaborative global initiative that is deeply supportive of pastoralists’ territories of life and their self-determined priorities and plans. Read more ▸