A year has passed
Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
For the third time in the Philippines, more than a hundred stakeholders from indigenous people as well as government agencies and civil society gathered to acknowledge recent gains in the recognition of ICCAs institutionalization and elaborate a plan to continue supporting ICCAs in the country. Read more ▸
C’est une grande première pour l’ANAPAC, Membre du Consortium APAC . Il a tenu sa première Assemblée Générale. Cette session a permis de faire le point sur la situation des 8 APAC identifiées dans le pays, ainsi que sur les activités menées par l’ANAPAC pour les accompagner. Read more ▸
Regional and International - ICCA Consortium news, events and initiatives
The ICCA Consortium participated in a roundtable on scaling community conservation during the 2019 National Geographic Explorers Festival, as part of our continuing efforts to strengthen National Geographic Society’s support for conservation by and with indigenous peoples and local communities. Read more ▸
ICCA Consortium Member Forest Peoples Programme tells us about the environmental and human rights defenders (including a representative of Consortium Member ANAPAC RDC) who took the stage at the Global Landscapes Forum to share their struggles. Read more ▸
As part of the ICCA Global Support Initiative, together with the ICCA Consortium and Natural Justice, the UNDP GEF SGP conducted analyses to evaluate the impacts and opportunities of laws, policies and institutional frameworks on ICCAs at the national level in several countries. Read more ▸
Juan Carlos Tonko Paterito, Presidente de la Comunidad Indígena Kawésqar Residente en Puerto Edén (Chile), Miembro del Consorcio, analiza los daños producidos por las ONGs ambientalistas y las empresas transnacionales en la República de Magallanes, al sur de Chile. Read more ▸
Lead edited by ICCA Consortium Council of Elders member Ashish Kothari, several Member representatives and Honorary members participated in the elaboration of this volume, creating a stimulating collection of over 100 essays on transformative alternatives to the current dominant processes of globalized development. Read more ▸
In this article, Bram Büscher (ICCA Consortium Honorary Member) and Robert Fletcher propose an alternative perspective to conservation. Named ‘convivial conservation’, this post-capitalist approach promotes radical equity, structural transformation and environmental justice. Read more ▸
In this article, Maria Faciolince (OXFAM) gives an in-depth review of the different uses of collective mapping by civil society organizations, and provides various resources and online tools for elaborating collective mapping, including many that are directly related to ICCAs and the ICCA Consortium. Read more ▸
News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives
This summary of regional reports, written by indigenous researchers and experts, with the guidance of the Indigenous Peoples Major Group Global Coordinating Committee, stresses the importance of securing the collective land rights of indigenous peoples, an imperative to achieving sustainable development for all. Read more ▸
Apply by 9 October 2019 for this new funding opportunity to support the capacity and effectiveness of indigenous peoples and community-based organizations engaged in forest conservation and sustainable forest management in the Amazon. Projects should be led by indigenous and local leaders and consistent with community goals and values Read more ▸
Apply by 21 September 2019 for the BIOPAMA Action Component, which provides funding opportunities to address protected and conserved areas, sustainable use of biodiversity, and natural resources priorities for actions on the ground in Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries. Read more ▸
If you wish to share your experience in the forthcoming Newsflash please write to Gaëlle at gaelle@iccaconsortium.org