Categories Asia, ICCA national and sub-national studies, Indonesia, Local and national reviews and examples, Newsflash

The importance of Indigenous Peoples in conservation in Indonesia

First published on 08/15/2019, and last updated on 04/12/2022

By Cristina Eghenter, Honorary Member of ICCA Consortium and representative of the Working Group Icca Indonesia (WGII), Member of ICCA Consortium.

For the celebration of International Day of World Indigenous People on Aug 9th in Jakarta, and 20 years of the Alliance of the Indigenous People of the Archipelago (AMAN), the Working Group ICCA Indonesia (WGII) produced a flyer to highlight the importance of the contribution of IPs to conservation, their land and resource use practices, their values and knowledge. The flyer profiles Indigenous People as the true conservationists and list recommendations for a more inclusive, effective, human rights-based and free of conflict conservation. It is in indonesian.