First published on 04/05/2021, and last updated on 06/04/2021
The 17th General Assembly of the ICCA Consortium will be convened virtually from 8-10 June 2021 from 12:00-14:30 UTC each day, with online social events on 11 June 2021.
The Assembly will be conducted on Zoom with simultaneous interpretation in English, Spanish, and French. Participants are kindly requested to register using the link provided to all Members and Honorary members via email. If you have not received this email, please contact our Administration Assistant (alison [at]].
Please pay special attention when registering to name yourself as follows:
- If you are representing a MEMBE
RORGANIZATION, write “M– [organization name] – [your first name]” in the first name field.
- If you are an HONORARY MEMBER, write “HM -” before your first name.
- If you fall into a different category, please write that in front of your first name, such as “Observer – [your first name]” or “Interpreter FR<>EN – [your first name]”
- If your affiliation is not clear in your registration request, we might contact you for further information before approving your registration.
The full agenda of the General Assembly is available here.
Day One: 8 June 2021 12.00 – 14.30 UTC Day Two: 9 June 2021 12.00 – 14.30 UTC Day Three: 10 June 2021 12.00 – 14.30 UTC Social Event: 11 June 2021 9.00-10.30 UTC
Special call for Council nominations
Special call for Council nominations As the draft Governance Procedures (which will be tabled for approval during the 17th GA and will in part replace the Operational Guidelines) contain several changes to the composition of the Council, the current Council decided that nominations will only be sought for two positions: Vice President (a new role approved in the Statutes at the 16th General Assembly) and Secretary.
Nominations for Council positions are now closed. We are very pleased to announce that we have received the following nominations:
Vice President of the ICCA Consortium – Patricia Mupeta Muyamwa
Secretary of Council – Sara Oliveros López
Please find the Terms of Reference for Vice-President here and the Secretary of Council here.