Categories Asia, Convention on Biological Biodiversity, Updates

COP16 negotiations: ICCA Consortium Southeast Asia shares recommendations for ASEAN member states

ICCA Consortium Southeast Asia recommends positions for the ASEAN member states to negotiate in the Sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP16) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

First published on 11/02/2024, and last updated on 11/25/2024

The recommendations by ICCA Consortium Southeast Asia cover a wide range of items currently being discussed and negotiated at COP16, including monitoring, review, and reporting of NBSAP, article 8J, digital sequence information, a monitoring framework, and resource mobilization.

The full document is available here (PDF file).

[Note: The document is original, as shared by ICCA Consortium Southeast Asia, and has not been revised or changed for this website.]