First published on 10/24/2024, and last updated on 11/18/2024
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Self-selected individuals in the Human Rights and Biodiversity Working Group (HRBWG) and participants in the International Expert Workshop on Advancing Rights and Equity in Conservation (Nanyuki, Kenya, 2024) contributed to the drafting of this document.
They include: Jessica Campese (CEESP), Aquilas Koko Ngomo (ICCA Consortium), Barbara Lassen (IIED), Jazzy Rasolojaona (Natural Justice), Jenny Springer (Equator Group), Helen Tugendhat (FPP), Ioannis Agapakis (ClientEarth), Nela Cernota (UNOHCHR), Florian Doerr (GIZ), Pasang Dolma Sherpa (CEESP & CIPRED), Cristina Eghenter (WWF), Phil Franks (IIED), Mayté González (IUCN), Georgina Gurney (James Cook University), Terence Hay-Edie (UNDP), Nele Marien (FoEI), Giovanni Reyes (Philippine ICCA Consortium), María Carolina Rodríguez Acero (ICCA Consortium), Rob Small (Fauna & Flora), Vivienne Solis (CoopeSoliDar R.L), Krystyna Swiderska (IIED), and Meenal Tatpati (Women4Biodiversity).
The result is a collective offer of multiple good-faith efforts to support a human rights-based approach to area-based conservation. It does not necessarily reflect any specific individual’s views nor represent the organizational positions of any organizations in which we work.
HRBWG et al. (2024). Advancing Human Rights-based Approaches to Target 3 Implementation. A working paper developed by members of the Human Rights and Biodiversity Working Group and participants in the international workshop on Advancing Rights and Equity in Conservation (Nanyuki, 2024).
Cover photo: Tana’ ulen are a vital conservation tradition for territories of life in North Kalimantan, Indonesia. This photo shows a tana ulen in Pujungan territory. You can read more about tana’ ulen and their roles in the rights and governance of Indigenous territories here (Eghenter et al., 2021). Photo © Andris Salo
Further Reading
- From Agreements to Actions: A guide to applying a human rights-based approach to the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, available here
- FOURTH BRIEFING PAPER by the Human Rights in Biodiversity working group: A Rights-based Path for People and Planet, available here
- THIRD BRIEFING PAPER by the Human Rights in Biodiversity working group: Implementing a human rights based approach: A briefing for the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, available here
- SECOND BRIEFING PAPER by the Human Rights in Biodiversity working group: Applying a human rights-based approach – Guidance on the application of a human rights-based approach in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, available here
- FIRST BRIEFING PAPER by the Human Rights in Biodiversity working group: Human Rights in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework: Options for integrating a human-rights based approach to achieve the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity, available here