
Assembly of Amazon Node of Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) held

The Amazon Node Assembly of the Red Ticca Colombia (ICCA Colombia Network) took place in Cota, Cundinamarca, from February 25 through March 1, 2024. Its objectives were to promote exchange among representatives from territories of life in the Colombian Amazon, carry out the annual ordinary assembly of the Amazon Node Network, and offer a communications training workshop to develop a strategy for the Node and the Re:wild project. Read more ▸

COP15 event explores the crucial role of women in protecting and defending biodiversity

For the first time in the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, the new global biodiversity framework adopted in December 2022 recognises and commits to protecting environmental human rights defenders. During COP15, a side event co-organised by the International Land Coalition, Natural Justice, and the ICCA Consortium delved into what this means in practice and what women face on a daily basis as they defend their territories of life in diverse contexts. Read more ▸

COP15 event explored the role of relationships, partnerships, and networks in supporting Indigenous Peoples and local communities

This joint event, co-organised by the ICCA Consortium, Maliasili, Luc Hoffmann Institute, and IUCN CEESP, reflected on the core values that should guide relationships and partnerships and the power imbalances that often pervade them. Overall, the event highlighted the importance of reconceptualising partnerships from the perspective of Indigenous Peoples and local communities themselves and in the form of networks of solidarity and support. Read more ▸