
The ICCA Consortium and Indigenous Peoples’ territories of life

The Consortium as a collective and its members in their capacities have been among the critical actors in facilitating the changed understanding: support and recognition to the Indigenous Peoples and local communities, their worldviews, bio-cultural governance, and knowledge systems can help us arrive at transformative pathways to address the deepening global ecological and climate crises.  Read more ▸

Karen Indigenous youth are leading self-determination and revitalizing territories of life in Myanmar: Esther Wah

Esther Wah is the Secretary of the All Burma Indigenous Peoples Alliance (ABIPA) and a Council member (Thematic representative for youth and intergenerational relations) of the ICCA Consortium. In this interview, Ms. Wah talks about how the Indigenous Karen youth are becoming a driving force in securing self-determination and revitalizing the Indigenous governance and management systems in our ancestral territories of life. Read more ▸

Indigenous youth are leading the movement to live in harmony with nature: Aquilas Koko Ngomo

Aquilas Koko Ngomo is a Policy and Advocacy Co-coordinator for Africa with the ICCA Consortium. In this interview, Mr. Ngomo talks about the role of the Indigenous youth in defending and sustaining their ancestral territories of life. He also reflects on the opportunities for collaboration across societies and generations in the movement to bring large-scale systemic changes to ensure living in harmony. Read more ▸

Defending territories, defending lives

Indigenous Peoples in Southeast Asia navigate their place within the legal frameworks of the nation-states. The extent of their self-determination depends on the strength and resilience of their assertions, and the space nation-states provide for such self-determination to be exercised.  Read more ▸