A legal victory for Orans, sacred community-conserved areas
The Supreme Court of India’s clear and specific guidelines are a positive step towards ensuring the conservation of 25,000 orans covering an area of about 600,000 hectares. Read more ▸
The Supreme Court of India’s clear and specific guidelines are a positive step towards ensuring the conservation of 25,000 orans covering an area of about 600,000 hectares. Read more ▸
Event Recap: At this CBD COP16 Side Event on October 25, 2024, speakers shared assessments and case studies and took part in policy dialogues on Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs). Read more ▸
The discussions and debates in the meeting clarified the Consortium’s path forward, positioning it better to address the challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Read more ▸
In our struggle against land and ocean grabs and fortress conservation, we are being intimidated and threatened; we ask for solidarity and support from the ICCA Consortium members and community-based organizations. Read more ▸
The adverse effects of UCMs starkly contradict their purported objectives of promoting human rights and democracy; these measures, which are supposed to uphold these values, undermine them. Read more ▸
Displacement and evictions have affected pastoralists’ mental health and well-being, thus creating a state of learned helplessness and depression Read more ▸
Demonstration Videos are now available in multiple languages to assist members in navigating the ICCA Registry website and downloading data to ensure the accessibility of this critical information that can enhance advocacy and recognition of ICCAs—territories of life. Read more ▸
The ICCA Consortium Members Shan Shui Conservation Center and Kalpavriksh facilitated the webinar, which was held on March 22, 2024; four speakers from different countries with long experience in grassland conservation and development were invited to share stories from their regions. Read more ▸
The fifth regional assembly of the ICCA Consortium Southeast Asia took place on March 8, 2024, in Subic, Philippines. Read more ▸
The public launch of the ICCA Registry—a global database on conservation by Indigenous Peoples and local communities, marks a significant milestone in accessibility to such crucial information, underlining its international significance. Read more ▸
The semi-nomadic pastoralist communities had built and maintained their territories of life—Agdals, over many generations; now they are left in ruins Read more ▸
More than 200 people, including representatives of more than 100 Member organizations, participated in the ICCA Consortium’s 19th General Assembly, which was held over four sessions in as many months. The Assembly learned about key aspects of the work carried out in 2022 and took several important decisions for the future of the association. Members and Honorary members also participated in a series of optional membership engagement events on diverse topics. Read more ▸
The report published by the “All Burma Indigenous Peoples’ Alliance (ABIPA)” illustrate the state of environmental human rights in Myanmar and the strategies pursued by the defenders in the face of violent crackdowns by the military rulers. Read more ▸
The Working Group ICCAs Indonesia (WGII), a member of the ICCA Consortium, recently launched the English version of the 2021 book “Suara Masyarakat Adat untuk Alam dan Manusia.” The collection of interviews in the book demonstrates that customary governance systems effectively protect biodiversity and ecosystem functions in Indigenous territories of life. Read more ▸
To commemorate the end of the 2023 General Assembly, we held an informal space for Members and Honorary members to share songs, stories, videos and more from territories of life around the world. Enjoy the highlights! Read more ▸
Digital Democracy, UNEP-WCMC, and Forest Peoples Programme (ICCA Consortium Member) have developed “Mapeo for ICCAs,” a mapping app designed with and for communities to enable custodians to map, monitor and support their territories of life on their terms. Read more ▸
One of the leading Sarawakian Indigenous organizations, SAVE Rivers, and its leaders face a meritless defamation lawsuit in Malaysian court filed by logging company Samling designed to bankrupt and silence them. Read more ▸
April is Earth Month, and April 22 is Mother Earth Day. On this occasion, we reiterate our solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and local communities who maintain their collective lands, waters, and territories of life in the face of immense challenges. Read more ▸
In July 2022, the Biocultural Festival of Morocco, organized by the Moroccan Biodiversity and Livelihoods Association (MBLA, ICCA Consortium Member), focused on sustaining territories of life and preserving farmers’ seeds and traditional culinary knowledge. It also emphasized semi-nomadic pastoralists and the Agdals’ contributions to biodiversity conservation. Read more ▸
A future global initiative hosted by the ICCA Consortium must critically address the realization of pastoral communities’ collective rights to their territories and relevant common resources. Read more ▸