Policy briefs

ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 7 – Meanings and More…

In 2018, the Council of the ICCA Consortium decided to develop a lexicon of meaningful concepts and terms frequently used in its work, policies, and communications with its Members and Partners. Many of us felt that such a reference compendium would be particularly useful because the Consortium has highlighted and adopted new ways of referring to phenomena which had not been heretofore conceptually analysed. First among them are the very ICCAs—territories of life that are at the heart of the Consortium’s work…  Read more ▸

ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 6 – Nourishing Life -Territories of Life & Food Sovereignty

The ICCA Consortium is delighted to release its new Policy Brief, which highlights and documents the profound significance of ICCAs—territories of life- and their contributions to the food sovereignty of the peoples and the communities themselves. This is a call for movements that foster food sovereignty and movements strengthening territories of life to exchange knowledge and support each other!  Read more ▸

ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 5

The term ‘inclusive conservation’ has recently been adopted by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in its 2018-2020 programme for biodiversity financing. In this context, the ICCA Consortium proposes a definition of ‘inclusive conservation’ and specific recommendations for legislators, policy makers and other conservation actors willing to pursue it. Read more ▸