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ICCA Consortium Policy Brief no 7 – Meanings and More…

First published on 11/25/2019, and last updated on 03/24/2020

Sajeva G., G. Borrini-Feyerabend and T. Niederberger, 2019. Meanings and more… Policy Brief of the ICCA
Consortium no. 7. ICCA Consortium in collaboration with Cenesta.

In 2018, the Council of the ICCA Consortium decided to develop a lexicon of meaningful concepts and terms frequently used in its work, policies and relations with its Members and Partners.  Many felt that such a reference compendium would be particularly useful as the Consortium has highlighted and adopted new ways of referring to phenomena that, historically, had not been conceptually analysed. First among them are the very ICCAs—territories of life at the heart of the Consortium’s work.  This document is the result of the Council’s decision. It is a rich beginning, compiled with the contributions of many members of the Consortium and expected to evolve and be further integrated and enriched in the years to come.  The document is now out to stimulate thinking, debate, joint analysis, learning and action within the Consortium’s membership, which is where the true meanings of our collective language will emerge (and evolve).

We encourage all readers to offer comments and propose additions and corrections by writing to, placing  “‘Meanings and more…’ comments to version 16 November 2019”  as reference subject.