Categories Africa, Events, Events organised or co-organised by the consortium, GSI, Regional events, Regional knowledge sharing and capacity-building events, World

ICCAs in Africa –

First published on 12/06/2017, and last updated on 04/20/2018

ICCAs in Africa—situations, perspectives and elements of an action plan for 2018 and beyond – Download the report (ENG)

This one-day event was organised by the ICCA Consortium and the IUCN Global Protected Areas Programme, held at the IUCN Headquarters in Gland on November 23, 2017, before the ICCA Consortium XIth General Assembly.

Please download the presentations below:

Protected & conserved areas in Africa– making sense of governance diversity, quality and vitality

The Story of People of Loliondo, Tanzania

ICCAs in french speaking countries of Africa: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo and Madagascar

Reconnaissance légale de APAC, qui devrait reconnaître quoi?

ICCAs, Sustainable use of wildlife and sustainable livelihoods

Landmark global platform

Group work outcomes:

Anglophone group work outcomes

French speaking group work outcomes

 The agenda of the meeting.