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A minha Casa/My home

First published on 02/26/2019, and last updated on 02/27/2019

Por Julio Fernandes y Rafaela Nicola, de la Mupan

Produced by MUPAN – The Women in Action in the Pantanal, a Member of the ICCA Consortium in Brazil, the video “My Home” shows activities of the organization related to the incorporation of the concept of ICCA in Brazil.

This short video, made by many hands and minds, presents the voices of leaders of indigenous populations, quilombolas, fishermen, and terreiro peoples, with their unique perceptions about issues such as belonging, knowledge, and the sacred. The actors recount, from the perspective of their ancestral knowledge, the stories and experiences they have gathered through the defense and maintenance of their territories and ways of life.

The video and activities were carried out within the framework of the Blue Corridor Program of Wetlands International, implemented in Brazil by MUPAN and supported by DOB Ecology.