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Newsflash #17 – April 2019


Ashish Kothari, Member of the Council of Elders, active with Kalpavriksh and Vikalp Sangam in India, puts the Territories of Life as key participants in the fundamental transformation towards justice and sustainability the planet is in dire need of. Read more ▸

Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

Over 227 people including indigenous communities from across the region, civil society groups, international organisations and government representatives came together at the Regional Forum on Forests and Peoples. They debated problems with forest governance and demanded recognition of their ICCAs - Territories of Life. Read more ▸
An orientation and dialogue on the Expanded National Integrated Protected Areas System (ENIPAS) Law was held in the Philippines on March 25-26 with indigenous community leaders whose ancestral domains overlap with protected areas. It led to a historic declaration.  Read more ▸
Dans le cadre de l'initiative mondiale de soutien aux APAC, quatorze APAC emblématiques ont été mises en lumière à Madagascar. Cela se complète par la mise en œuvre de processus d'auto-renforcement et de discussions avec le gouvernement, notamment autour de la question des droits humains. Read more ▸
UNDP Philippines received the “Development Aid of the Year Award” for Biodiversity. One of its commendable projects is the Philippine ICCA Project which aims at strengthening conservation by institutionalizing ICCAs as a sustainable addition to the national protected areas estate. Read more ▸

Regional and International - ICCA Consortium news, events and initiatives

The ICCA Consortium participated in the expert workshop “Towards a gender-responsive post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework”, organized by the Convention on Biological Diversity. Read more ▸
En un contexto de persecución, criminalización y despojo a los defensoras y defensores de derechos humanos, la Fundación ALDEA, Miembro del Consorcio junto al CEDHU y Amazon Watch se han reunido para organizar el Encuentro Latinoamericano de Defensoras de Territorios Read more ▸
With the active support of the ICCA Consortium, WWF International and the WCMC organised a workshop. Maps are an invaluable tool to enhance awareness of what exists and foster preparedness in the face of threats, hopefully leading to enhanced security of governance. Read more ▸
A series of four events took place in Spain around the Consortium European Regional Assembly. ICCAs - Territories of Life and commons were intensely discussed. This knowledge and these exchanges are crucial to continue to define concrete steps ahead to adequately recognise and secure them. Read more ▸


IWGIA just published its report 'The Indigenous World 2019'. Ninety-seven authors from Latin America, Africa, Asia, Arctic, Middle East and the Pacific line-up the main events impacting the lives of indigenous communities in 2018, making the book a go-to reference for everyone who wishes to be updated on the rights of indigenous peoples. Read more ▸

News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives

El Consorcio TICCA se une al llamado para poner fin a las agresiones, persecuciones y asesinatos de los pueblos indígenas en Brasil y más allá. Read more ▸

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