ICCA Consortium Life
The ICCA Consortium’s Membership Committee is pleased to announce the forthcoming membership review! This review will help us better understand the ICCA Consortium’s organisational Members and how we can strengthen our membership. Read more ▸
Solidarity in the COVID-19 Pandemic
The ICCA Consortium organised the first round of online discussions to bring together our membership in this difficult time, to strengthen solidarity, share experiences and responses from territories of life around the world, and jointly reflect on the ICCA Consortium's role, both now and into the future. We shared inspiring stories as well as challenges, as we considered how the ICCA Consortium could play a role in confronting and affecting the dominant paradigms that led to the emergence of COVID-19. Read more ▸
Albert Maurilio Chan Dzul, Coordinador del Consorcio TICCA para Mesoamérica y representante de U Yich Lu’um, A.C., comparte las reflexiones y estrategias de su organización frente a la pandemia actual, profundizando sobre resiliencia, relación espiritual con el territorio y salud mental. Read more ▸
Together We Rise! The Importance of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the Time of COVID-19
In Canada, the Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership held a virtual dialogue on the importance of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. With a message of great hope, Allison Bishop shares the group's collective reflections about human relationships with nature and the opportunity that IPCAs represent to care for the natural world. Read more ▸
How can traditional indigenous knowledge help us cope with the pandemic? Sutej Hugu, our Regional Coordinator for East Asia, tells us of the Indigenous Taiwan Self-Determination Alliance and their reflections on the current situation. Read more ▸
Indigenous peoples and local communities who are defending their territories of life face heightened risks in the COVID-19 pandemic. Front Line Defenders reports on the impacts of COVID-19 on the safety and work of human rights defenders, and shares practical tips for the physical, emotional and digital protection of defenders working from home. Read more ▸
Youth Voices
In the heart of Africa, the Ndima-Kali association (ICCA Consortium Member) offers young BaAka and Sangha-Sangha people a space to defend and enhance their cultures. José Martial Bétoulet shares on the organisation's history and actions. Read more ▸
The ICCA Consortium’s delegation to the most recent UN negotiations on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework included several youth (all women!). Join us as we hear about this experience directly from youth representatives from Madagascar, Nepal and the Philippines. Read more ▸
Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
The ICCA Consortium issued a letter to the Chief Minister of Assam and other officials in India to condemn the arbitrary arrest of two farmers' rights activists, including a nominated Honorary member who attended our recent GA. We are relieved they were subsequently released on bail, but concerns remain. Read more ▸
Regional and International - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
The second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America was held in October 2019, in Peru, before the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAPLAC). It was an occasion for the membership of the region to share experiences, deepen their strategies, and ensure the wide visibility of territories of life at the CAPLAC. Read more ▸
After a late-stage venue change from Kunming to Rome, jittery delegates managed to focus on negotiating the zero draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework in the same week that COVID-19 sadly began to take hold in Italy. Read more ▸
Emerging biodiversity and wildlife policies may have the potential to change the same-old-same-old approaches of colonialist fortress conservation. Read more ▸
There is ample evidence that more inclusive approaches to conservation and sustainable development lead to greater success, both in human and environmental terms. Five different ways to build, broaden and strengthen appropriate and genuine partnerships - including through recognising ICCAs--territories of life - are described in this article by Marc Foggin, representative of ICCA Consortium Member Plateau Perspectives. Read more ▸
News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives
One Earth profiles Black, Indigenous and People of Color who live and work as environmental defenders. Here, twenty short biographies introduce readers to diverse environmental defenders from around the world. Our dear Ghanimat Azhdari is among these young inspiring people interviewed by the author, Anuradha Rao, who describes the experience of writing this book and her meeting with Ghanimat. Read more ▸
If you wish to share your experience in the forthcoming Newsflash, please write to Gaëlle at gaelle@iccaconsortium.org .