
Thanking Emma Courtine

We extend our deep appreciation and best wishes to Emma Courtine as she moves on from the ICCA Consortium’s Secretariat to new horizons with La Via Campesina in Europe. Read more ▸

16th General Assembly held online

The ICCA Consortium’s 16th General Assembly was a success, with 229 unique participants over the three days, multimedia reports on key areas of work and several key decisions made about the Statutes, Council, process for developing and approving new organisational policies and procedures and more. Read more ▸

Launching a new initiative for territories of life and community fisheries

The ICCA Consortium is launching a new initiative on territories of life and community fisheries in freshwater, coastal and marine systems. Building on our Members’ many years of existing experience, it will support community-centric activities at the local, national, regional and global levels in line with our mission and strategic approach. Read more ▸

New ICCA Consortium Global Coordinator Appointed

The President and Executive Committee of the ICCA Consortium are delighted to announce the appointment of Holly Jonas as Consortium Global Coordinator, to begin in January 2020. The Executive Committee of Council looks forward to working alongside Holly and taking the Consortium to new heights! Read more ▸