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Newsflash #30 – June 2020

Solidarity in the COVID-19 Pandemic

In Mexico, our Member Ka'Kuxtal and the Mayan communities with whom they work are promoting several strategies in response to the current crisis, in the areas of health, food sovereignty and communication, to take their care into their own hands. Read more ▸
En Ecuador, los Pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales han desplegado diferentes respuestas frente a la situación actual de emergencia, basadas en sus costumbres y en su cosmovisión. En este artículo, nuestro Miembro ALDEA analiza y documenta esta variedad de respuestas comunitarias. Read more ▸

Youth Voices

On the occasion of the International Biodiversity Day, the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, GYBN-Philippines and the ICCA Consortium Youth Group hosted "Nurturing Nature through Culture", a webinar on the interlinkages between traditional knowledge and biodiversity from a youth perspective. For those who missed it, here is the recording! Read more ▸
In Myanmar, the Rawang Youth group and its allies are working hard to raise awareness about the value of territories of life, and seeking better recognition for these territories and the rights of the Indigenous Rawang people. Htonphu Nin Htay and Aye Myat Thandar tell us about their work and the emergence of the Rawang Youth group.  Read more ▸
The effects of climate change this winter have hit the fisheries across boreal Finland like never before. Our Member Snowchange rises to the challenge with a Master-Apprentice programme. In a beautiful multimedia piece, we learn how Snowchange is transmitting ancient skills and the preparation of traditional fish recipes to local young people.  Read more ▸

Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

In Madagascar, our Member TAFO MIHAAVO and Malagasy Youth Biodiversity Network have united to gather Fokonolona and youth to analyse the current biodiversity governance and management in the island, and to shape a common future to preserve biodiversity. Read more ▸
After an extensive participatory process, the community of Kalunga decided to register their territory of life in the global ICCA Registry hosted by UNEP-WCMC. Our Member MUPAN, who accompanied the Kalunga community, describes this process. Read more ▸
The Tanawthari Landscape of Life protects the rich biodiversity of the Tanintharyi region in Myanmar with the power of Indigenous peoples’ knowledge. Read more ▸
“GoldCrest” is a small old-growth forest site of great importance to the local Selkie village that is now registered in the global ICCA Registry hosted by UNEP-WCMC. The forest had been under a threat of being clear cut, but thanks to the Landscape Rewilding Programme, it has now been spared. An article by Snowchange.  Read more ▸
Last September, we published an alert about Sinjajevina, Montenegro, where local communities and civil society were organizing to defend their pasturelands, in the face of government plans to occupy and use it as a military artillery testing range. Our Honorary member Pablo Domínguez tells us how the Sinjajevina communities have been confronting the crisis since then.  Read more ▸

Regional and International - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

The gathering provides an online venue for sharing and learning from each other about the territories of life in the region. This year’s gathering has the further aim of continuing the ICCA Consortium’s regionalisation process in Southeast Asia. Check the programme!  Read more ▸

Other News and Resources from Our Membership

"It is time to go beyond a focus on women's vulnerabilities to the recognition of women as agents of change and active participants in caring for the environment, restoring and recovering biodiversity, and healing our relationship with nature." On Earth Day, our Honorary member Cristina Eghenter offers her reflections on women in conservation.  Read more ▸
This new report, authored by our Honorary member Anuradha Mittal for the Oakland Institute, details the incessant violence facing the Indigenous communities in the Caribbean Coast Autonomous Regions of Nicaragua and provides in-depth information about the actors involved. It breaks the silence and calls attention to the Indigenous peoples' ongoing struggle for their territories. Read more ▸

If you wish to share your experience in the forthcoming Newsflash, please write to Gaëlle at .

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