
P. V. Satheesh: a quiet revolutionary walks on

P.V. Satheesh—the quiet revolutionary who helped transform the lives of Dalit women farmers in India—passed away on March 19, 2023. He was 77. The founder of the Deccan Development Society worked for agro-biodiversity, food sovereignty, women’s empowerment, Dalit rights, social justice, and local knowledge systems. Read more ▸

Community fisheries and the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference

During the recent United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, the ICCA Consortium supported the participation of various Member organizations, fishers, and representatives of Indigenous and local communities. Vivienne Solís Rivera and Marvin Fonseca (CoopeSoliDar R.L, ICCA Consortium Member) recount how participants from Indigenous and local communities made an impact in securing better recognition of their rights and more holistic conservation of the oceans. Read more ▸

The five priorities in the Small-Scale Fisheries Call to Action

As the 2022 United Nations Ocean Conference starts in a few days, artisanal fishers organizations from Asia, Africa, the Pacific, Europe, and South and Central America have joined together to make their voices heard. Together, we call on governments to give small-scale fisheries their rightful place at the center of public policies for exploiting and conserving the oceans Read more ▸