Events organised or co-organised by the consortium

Webinar: What Do OECMs Mean for Territories of Life?

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In the second webinar organised by ICCA Consortium Member NTFP-EP to build shared capacity and understanding of ICCAs—territories of life in Southeast Asia, Harry Jonas presented ‘other effective area-based conservation measures’ and the challenges and opportunities this new framework for Indigenous peoples and local communities represents.  Read more ▸

XVth General Assembly – Rajasthan, India

The ICCA Consortium’s XVth General Assembly in Udaipur, India, was an important moment for the founding and next generation leadership. It marked the last GA co-organised by Grazia Borrini Feyerabend, one of the Consortium’s founders and leaders, who moved into the Council of Elders. The membership welcomed several new Council members by consensus, including a number of young leaders, as well as new team members in the global Secretariat. Read more ▸

The Second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America

The second Regional Assembly of the ICCA Consortium in Latin America was held in October 2019, in Peru, before the III Congress of Protected Areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAPLAC). It was an occasion for the membership of the region to share experiences, deepen their strategies, and ensure the wide visibility of territories of life at the CAPLAC. Read more ▸

Territorios de Vida, en el CAPLAC, Actores Clave en la Gobernanza de Áreas Protegidas y en la Conservación

En octubre, Lima acogió la Asamblea Regional de la Red TICCA Latinoamericana, y el III Congreso de Áreas Protegidas de Latinoamérica y Caribe (CAPLAC). El próximo mes, contaremos con un informe detallado y un artículo más extenso sobre los dos eventos. Por ahora, les compartimos el artículo de ALDEA, Miembro del Consorcio, que resume los aspectos esenciales. Read more ▸