First published on 11/12/2018, and last updated on 02/06/2019
The ICCA Consortium’s first General Assembly in Africa took place on the 12th and 13th of November 2018 in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. About 70 participants gathered for this important General Assembly! Please download the Agenda of the General Assembly here.
After a tribute to our beloved Taghi Farvar, the ICCA Consortium Members elected Teodoro Brawner Baguilat Jr., better known as Teddy, as the new President of the ICCA Consortium. Wrays Perez Ramirez and Marco Bassi were also designated to join the Council of the ICCA Consortium as, respectively Council Member with special responsibility for the Amazon Region of South America, and Council Member with special responsibility for Southern Europe and the Mediterranean.
This Assembly succeeded the Regional Assemblies held in 2018 in: South East Asia and Austronesia; Latin America; Central, West Asia and the Caucasus; and Africa. The regionalisation process was further discussed, shaped and agreed upon. The work with Members in each country and region is enhanced and regional hubs will be set up in the years to come. Governance representation will be improved as well because more Council Members will be regionally situated. Find here the presentation on the regionalisation process, including reports from the regions.
The full minutes of the General Assembly are now available here.
Several important policies were discussed. The Policy on “Defending ICCAs and their Defenders” was formally approved , while the Gender Policy of the ICCA Consortium was partially approved only.
The ICCA Consortium 2018 Work Report was offered by Grazia Borrini Feyerabend, Global Coordinator,
The ICCA Consortium 2018 Membership Report was offered by Aili Pyhälä, Chair of the Membership Committee of Council.
The ICCA Consortium 2018 Communication Report was offered by Emma Courtine, Programme and Communication Officer.
The ICCA Consortium 2019 Work Plan was offered by Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend.
The ICCA Consortium 2017 and 2018 Treasurer’s Reports were offered by Sarah Ryder, Programme Manager.
As several participants from CICADA attended the regional assembly for Africa and this was their first exposure to ICCAs and the ICCA Consortium, Grazia Borrini Feyerabend offered an introduction on ICCAs and the ICCA Consortium which may be interesting to consult.
Each participant was given space to provide information on their current work on ICCAs and the situation of ICCAs in their region or country.
Barbara Lassen, from Natural Justice presented the on-going work on the ICCA Global Legal Reviews in the context of the GSI.
The General Assembly was immediately preceded by the first African Regional Assembly and followed by a series of other related events. We held a meeting on the new Theme on Territories of Life and Sustainable Livelihoods, the second Round Table among Partners and Friends of the ICCA Consortium, the first in-person meeting in 2018 of Council chaired by our new President, a meeting of the Secretariat and a joint meeting between Council and Secretariat . Please find the Overall Agenda for the meetings organised by the ICCA Consortium in Ethiopia.
A small delegation of the ICCA Consortium then got the opportunity to visit Guassa, the strong and emblematic Ethiopian ICCA. We met and held discussions with the Elders from this ICCA and shared experiences from around the world.
Pictures credits: Christian Chatelain, Emma Courtine, Antoine Scherer