Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives
Kenya’s National Environmental Tribunal handed down judgment on the challenge to the Lamu coal plant license on Wednesday, 26 June 2019. A challenge brought by the communities of Lamu and Kenyan civil society organisations, including Natural Justice, an ICCA Consortium Member. Read more ▸
C'est un moment historique pour le Sénégal : avec le soutien de Kabeka, Membre du Consortium APAC, plusieurs Consortium APAC Zonaux sont mis en place dans le pays, suite aux ateliers menés dans chacune de ces zones, déterminées selon des critères éco-géographiques. Read more ▸
On June 2019, the Myanmar ICCA Working Group held its bi-annual meeting. It was an occasion to prepare the documentation of ICCAs and plan strategies for engaging with the government to advocate for the recognition of these territories Read more ▸
Afin de renforcer la gouvernance interne, et donc l'autonomisation d'ASAPAC - Burkina Faso, les représentants de quatre types d’APAC différentes se sont réunies au nom de leurs communautés gardiennes, avec le soutien de NATUDEV, membre du Consortium APAC. Read more ▸
Cinco pueblos indígenas, una comunidad afrodescendiente y una comunidad montubia de la costa que se reconocieron como territorios de vida se reunieron junto a la Fundación Aldea y al Programa de Pequeñas Donaciones, para debatir y decidir sobre el registro mundial de los TICCA. Read more ▸
Regional and International - ICCA Consortium news, events and initiatives
The Consortium held a successful regional assembly in Armenia between June 16-21 2019, with excellent prospects for the Consortium membership and its work in West and Central Asia and the Caucasus. Read more ▸
The ICCA Consortium participated in the "One Smart Governance" meeting on oceans in Lisbon, that aimed at developing, for the next year’s UN World Ocean Summit, an ambitious, bold, and clear call to the world leaders, to take action to secure the future of our oceans. Read more ▸
Five organisations and ICCAs that are Members (or close partners of members) of the ICCA Consortium received the prestigious 10th Equator Prize, from the Equator Initiative of the UNDP. Read more ▸
A delegation from the ICCA Consortium participated in the eighteenth session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and made statements during the thematic discussion on “Conservation and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”. Read more ▸
Le Programme de Microfinancements du Fond Mondial pour l'Environnement du PNUD au Maroc a réalisé cette vidéo sur la localité d’Imegdale. Réglementées par le droit coutumier, les pratiques traditionnelles de conservation permettent la régénération écologique et favorisent un certain équilibre du milieu. Read more ▸
Bas Verschuuren, Honorary member of the ICCA Consortium, co-edited this volume which carries the voices, experiences and perspectives of indigenous peoples regarding the treatment of the sacred and its protection and governance in the face of threats from various forms of natural resource exploitation and development. Read more ▸
In this article, Denis Ruysschaert, ICCA Consortium Honorary Member, questions the territorial effects of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) standardisation. Read more ▸
The "Centro de Saberes para a Sustentabilidade", together with two Galician ICCAs has developed a set of educational materials exposing the social and environmental impacts of mining, challenges affecting many common land communities across the country. Read more ▸
News from Our Partners, Allies and Related Initiatives
The ICCA Consortium encourages you to read the inspiring 2018 annual report of the Global Forest Coalition, a Member of the Consortium entitled "Defending Rights and the Power of Community Conservation" Read more ▸
If you wish to share your experience in the forthcoming Newsflash please write to Emma at emma@iccaconsortium.org