Categories Newsflash issues

Newsflash #28 – April 2020


"Much like seeds pushing through the earth to grow into mighty cohiue trees, young people must continue to build ourselves, learn and grow into the strong agents of change that are so needed by our communities and territories and the planet as a whole." An editorial by Josefa Cariño Tauli and Lucas Quintupuray, co-chairs of Youth for Territories of Life. Read more ▸

ICCA Consortium Life

We would like to warmly thank Carolina Amaya for her remarkable work as Spanish editor and translator for the ICCA Consortium, for which she has provided a dedicated and masterful hand for more than eight years. We wish her all the best and will remain in close contact as she focuses (even more!) on supporting ICCAs—territories of life in Colombia. Read more ▸

Youth Voices

"When we play the instruments in ceremonies or celebrations, we demonstrate to the different energies that we know our origin and understand our role: we are defenders of life, of the territories, we are one more energy, we are part of the whole," says Lucas Quintupuray, ICCA Consortium Council member. Read more ▸

Local and National - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

Los Miembros del Consorcio TICCA de México se reunieron y planearon un estudio del marco legal existente en materia de conservación y derechos de pueblos Indígenas y comunidades locales, acciones para el fortalecimiento comunitario y una estrategia de incidencia nacional. Read more ▸
ICCA Consortium Member KRAPAVIS and its partners deepened the elaboration of their strategy to document, secure and sustain Orans, the “sacred groves” of India, with a variety of concrete initiatives and proposals to address the main concerns territories of life are facing in India.  Read more ▸
Los miembros de la Red TICCA Colombia aprovecharon un fructuoso encuentro nacional para consolidar su trabajo en red y capacitarse colectivamente sobre el autorreconocimiento y la documentación de los TICCA. Read more ▸
“Our registration as ICCA or territory of life frames the path we have chosen to travel as an original people,” says Dionicio Machoa, coordinator of the Sarayaku Department of Natural Resources. The Sarayaku People, ICCA Consortium Member, just registered their territory of life in the ICCA Global registry of WCMC.  Read more ▸

Regional and International - ICCA Consortium News, Events and Initiatives

Alexis Kaboré, Coordinateur du Consortium APAC pour la région du Sahel, et son collègue Marcel Koadima nous racontent comment cet échange entre représentants de communautés locales béninoises et burkinabé enrichit leur travail respectif et le travail régional en Afrique de l'Ouest. Read more ▸
“We can help drive the ethic and practice in ways that uphold our indigenous values and respect the planet. By gathering together in these spaces, we can learn from each other to influence the context we work in. This is what our people did this week. It was historic,” says Brenda Asuncion from ICCA Consortium Member KUA. Read more ▸
ICCA Consortium Members, Honorary members and partners joined forces for an ambitious international workshop that could help change the course of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework – by putting human rights firmly at its centre. Read more ▸
Council member José Aylwin participated on behalf of the Consortium and its working group on defending territories of life, where he presented the perspective and work of the Consortium as well as the difficult context of environmental and land rights defenders in Latin America in particular. Read more ▸

ICCA Consortium Publications and Resources

In the second webinar organised by ICCA Consortium Member NTFP-EP to build shared capacity and understanding of ICCAs—territories of life in Southeast Asia, Harry Jonas presented ‘other effective area-based conservation measures’ and the challenges and opportunities this new framework for Indigenous peoples and local communities represents.  Read more ▸
Ashish Kothari interviews Julio Cusurichi, indigenous leader of the Shipibo people and President of ICCA Consortium Member FENAMAD, about territorial defense, threats, hopes and proposals of the communities represented by FENAMAD. Read more ▸

If you wish to share your experience in the forthcoming Newsflash, please write to Gaëlle at .

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