Events organised or co-organised by the consortium

Regional Forum on Forests and People, in Myanmar

Over 227 people including indigenous communities from across the region, civil society groups, international organisations and government representatives came together at the Regional Forum on Forests and Peoples. They debated problems with forest governance and demanded recognition of their ICCAs – Territories of Life. Read more ▸

Community, Culture and Conservation, in Myanmar

WWF Myanmar takes us through a visual journey among the ICCAs in the country. Kayin people, some Chin, Kachin, Naga and other Dawei people travelled from all over the region and country for an important workshop that marked the beginning of a new era in community-based conservation for Myanmar.  Read more ▸

“Empowerment Mapping” in Cambridge

With the active support of the ICCA Consortium, WWF International and the WCMC organised a workshop. Maps are an invaluable tool to enhance awareness of what exists and foster preparedness in the face of threats, hopefully leading to enhanced security of governance. Read more ▸

Tejiendo lazos desde la nación Wampís

En un histórico encuentro, realizado en febrero en el territorio Wampís, once delegados de los Pueblos amazónicos Shuar Arutam, Achuar, pueblo kichwa Sarayaku, Shuar y Sapara, CONFENIAE y numerosos miembros del Consorcio TICCA intercambiaron sobre los 20 años de reflexión, consultas internas y consenso que llevaron a la Nación Wampís a autoproclamarse como Gobierno Territorial Autónomo.  Read more ▸

Highlights from the 55th GEF Council Meeting and CSO Consultation

The ICCA Consortium joined Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Civil Society Organisation (CSO) Network members at the 55th GEF Council Meeting and CSO consultation. An opportunity to enhance the value of ICCAs and the need for their recognition, as well as to support a meaningful “inclusive conservation”. Read more ▸