ICCA national catalytic organisations and networks

The strategic approach that the Consortium is promoting in more than 26 priority countries as part of GSI goes through identifying and supporting national catalytic organisations to accompany the emergence and self-strengthening of some emblematic ICCAs in each country. ‘Emblematic ICCAs’ are defined as those that have great potential to be inspiring examples (e.g., they may be sites representative of common ecosystems or situations, or highly visible sites because of their historical or cultural value). The emblematic ICCAs in the priority countries are supported to network nationally and beyond, to strengthen each another, to analyse their own context and to develop and implement efforts to enhance policies and practices in support of ICCAs.The list of national catalytic organisations identified and supported by national GEF SGP offices is provided below.   While in some cases the national catalytic organisation is most competent and effective, in others the considered advice provided by the ICCA Consortium in the choice of such organisations has been out-rightly disregarded. In some situations we face national catalytic organisations unable to play their role and unwilling to receive advice.

Catalytic organisations in GSI pilot countries

GSI Partner Countries Name of national catalytic organisation (NCO)
Argentina Patagonia Natural Foundation (FPN)
Belize Belize Enterprise for Sustainable Technology
Benin Research and Action Group for Well-E be in Benin (GRABE- BENIN)
Brazil NA
Colombia Centro de Estudios Médicos Interculturales (CEMI) – a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Ecuador Fundación Oficina de Investigaciones Sociales y del Desarrollo –OFIS
Georgia Under process
Guatemala Oxlajuj Ajpop – a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Indonesia Working Group on ICCAs Indonesia (WGII)— a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Iran Under process
Jordan Under process
Kenya Under process
Kyrgyzstan Under process
Malaysia Partners of Community Organizations in Sabah (PACOS Trust) a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Maldives Under process
Morocco ADEPE (Association for Sustainable Development, Ecology and Conservation of the Environment)
Namibia NACSO – a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Paraguay Under process
Peru Under process
Philippines PAFID and KASAPI – two Members of the ICCA Consortium
Senegal Kamaloor BE Kafankante (KABEKA) – a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Suriname Foundation of Indigenous Village Leaders in Suriname (VIDS)
Tanzania Under process
Vietnam Centre for People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature) – a Member of the ICCA Consortium
Zambia The Zambia Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) Forum

For more information, please ask the relevant Regional Coordinator.

L’Instauration de Consortium APAC Zonaux au Sénégal

C’est un moment historique pour le Sénégal : avec le soutien de Kabeka, Membre du Consortium APAC, plusieurs Consortium APAC Zonaux sont mis en place dans le pays, suite aux ateliers menés dans chacune de ces zones, déterminées selon des critères éco-géographiques. Read more ▸

Primera reunión de la Red TICCA Colombia

Con el auspicio del PPD GEF Colombia y el acompañamiento técnico del CEMI, Miembro del Consorcio TICCA, se realizó la primera reunión de la Red TICCA Colombia los días 24 y 25 de abril de 2019, en Bogotá, Colombia. Read more ▸

Video – Biocultural practices in Imegdale

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Le Programme de Microfinancements du Fond Mondial pour l’Environnement du PNUD au Maroc a réalisé cette vidéo sur la localité d’Imegdale. Réglementées par le droit coutumier, les pratiques traditionnelles de conservation permettent la régénération écologique et favorisent un certain équilibre du milieu. Read more ▸

National Workshop on ICCAs held in Malaysia

A multi-stakeholder workshop organized by PACOS Trust and SGP-Malaysia called for more support for communities’ self-strengthening efforts, the establishment of a national ICCA working group and the development of a dedicated law on ICCAs—Territories of Life. Read more ▸